Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Smell of Warm

Today I walked in to a cold room that smelled warm. What an odd thing, for one sense to remind me of another. The fragrance struck the same notes as the warm dust that is the prelude for a California furnace that has been restarted after a long Spring-Summer-Fall caesura.

Then, I walked into a neighboring room. The fragrance grew stronger. It was coffee. I had never noticed coffee smelled like warm dust.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blah Blah Blah

Is there anyone that wakes up feeling energized, healthy, and strong? I don’t remember feeling otherwise as a child. But, adulthood has slapped me into a permanent ennui. I’m not sure if my aches and pains are a manifestation of my tired psyche. Or, maybe it’s the other way around. Maybe my aches and pains dull my enthusiasm.

In any case, I pretend to feel up. My feelings shouldn’t be a pestilence on the people in my proximity.  It’s not fair to them. It would be as unkind as sticking my leg out in their path and causing them to trip. Likewise, I mustn’t trip up their outlook on their day.

But, it is not always easy. Sometimes, it feels easier to spare them my company. Unfortunately, sometimes it is their company that boosts my spirits. I wish that sometimes, I am a boost to their’s. I hope today, I can find the right company. Someone that is strong enough to be near me and not be affected by unhappiness; someone that has enthusiasm to spare.

…I guess I don’t have much to complain about. I have income, a home, food; but don’t we all like to feel sorry for ourselves from time to time?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Give me a human voice.

Today, I called the USPS to coordinate a redelivery. Of course, an automated, female-sounding voice answered. The voice asked me to say this and that. But, I found myself resenting it. I don’t like talking to machines.

My outlook has been shaped by the idea, that it’s only the insane, or at least slightly off that talk to inanimate objects. However, more and more the trend is for us to interact electronically to get service. This strikes me as odd.

Whenever they speak of jobs created they list that the service industry is growing. Yet, it seems more and more, when I call a business for service, I get the automated voice. It ticks me off.

I push random buttons until the lady voice says something like “Sorry I’m having trouble understanding. I’ll transfer you to an operator.” Finally! Just what I wanted in the first place.

Perhaps the younger generation that enjoys updating their status on twitter via their mobile phone doesn’t mind interacting with the voice recognition system. But, I prefer using language with humans, not computer programs.