Wednesday, July 13, 2011

TV is two sins for the price of one!

I read an article in the newspaper some time ago that said TV makes people dumb. It didn't use those words, but that's what I got from it. The article cited a test where subjects took a test that required abstract thought. The test-takers that watched TV before the test did worse than the control group that didn't watch TV.

Maybe that's why I've been having such a tough time focusing and getting things done. I know for sure TV time leads to lazy time. It also, sometimes, leads to gluttony. Two sins (sloth and gluttony) in one!

Must watch less TV.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Keep your audience in mind, or they won't mind you.

If you write a blog that you want me to read, then please write about something that might be useful to my life. Don’t go on and on about how wonderful you are and how others just don’t appreciate you. Don’t try to be funny by being mean. As in all work, you must keep your audience in mind. If you don’t, you will not find any audience minding you.

I read a lot of blogs. Too many are focused on the author.  This one is like those too, for the most part. However, the distinction between them and me is that I write these words not focused on the hope that someone else will like what I have to say. I don’t have dreams of making a living by this blog. Instead, I’m here to hash out what my mind is loudly shouting. I could use an old fashion journal, but then what if one day my family stumbles upon it when I’m not around? I also hope that if I gripe here, I will relieve my friends and family from listening to my complaints. I guess someone I know might stumble on this page, but they would first need to discern that it’s me. If they were inclined, with a little sleuthing, they might find I come here, but I don’t think they would do that unless I come to some untimely demise, and the investigators need to figure out if I have some dastardly secret life.

Blogs are funny things. They make certain types feel important. I’m here to do a brain dump. It will not hurt my feelings if you move on to the next blog now. It’s ok if you don’t ‘like it.’ No need to tweet this.