Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What I want to see on the morning news.

A few weeks ago, a local television (KTLA) station asked what stories veiwers are interested in, and which they don't think deserves to be on the air.
I watch the morning news before I leave the house for work. Here is my list of things I do and don't want to watch while preparing for my day.
1) 'Lifestyle' segments sponsored by the company whose products are featured in the segment.
2) 'Internet Sensations' If I want to know what's trending on the internet, I would be on my computer, not watching the morning news.
3) Do not spend the whole news cast focused on one story. Yes, fire and car chases and Michael Jackson's doctor require a mention, but there is no need to devote the entire show to any one story.
4) Gossip is not entertainment. I dont' care who has a secret love child, or who likes to dress up like big bird as their paramor nibbles on their dark meat.
5) Do not express your personal opinions. Yes, I like sharing my mornings with your, but I don't care to hear your opinions about much of anything.  (There is another station where the weather reporter has to express an opion about everything. Don't follow that example.) Also, I don't really need to know about your personal life, your children, or your spouse.
Must do
1) Traffic & Weather. I need to know if there are any streets or freways I should avoid on the way to work, and I need to know how warmly to dress for the day. Do I need an umbrella?
2) Give me a short thumbnail of news stories that are going on in the nation and the world and entertainment.
3) Devote most of your segments to what is happening locally. If there are interesting events upcoming, I would like to know.
4) When speaking with entertainers, focus on thier professional projects. The developments of their personal lives is not news.
5) Let the guests get their points across. Don't interupt them. We hear you every day, let someone else talk.

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